@Mike Ox Big reversed last 3 penalties.
In the last update changed the code where the server decides who won the trick. It sounds like there is a discrepency between the logic the app uses versus the server. Probably a bug on the server side. Will run some tests to see. If you happen to notice it again and could let me know what the cards/trump were that would help.
Think this is fixed now, found a bug with the who won trick logic on the server side. Tested for a couple days and seems to be working correctly now.
That's AWESOME, @Josh...!!! Thanks for troubleshooting these issues and rectifying these sometimes nerve challenging game stoppers.
Unfortunately, just had that other one a few minutes ago at 2:02 PM CST. As usual, the screenshot of the game ending dialog box is attached for you to view.
Also, I think I see that you adjusted my ranking number but not the errant accumulated losses including this one just now. I should have a minimum of at least six (6) removed from my loss column. I know it may seem like it doesn't matter but it matters to me. In fact, it would be interesting to see win-loss percentages as an available metric if it were not for so many challenging results that may show up.
Have I sent you a screenshot of other website stats previously for examples?
Here are a few screenshots I just mentioned above and a while back. We can talk about them via emails further if you would like since there is a lot to mention or point out.
You will see that there is a screenshot of Spades Stats since I play an awful lot of games both online and physically in-person. Have been playing both Pinochle and Spades for over 44 years.
There is a shot of how they show just purely game parameters including just how long the player may have been collecting stats on themselves along with their total time spent too.
You will see the Spades stats further broken down for all kinds of metrics regarding the hand level and then the game level. I think there may be a little too much regarding the hand stats but very helpful info telling me how many "bags" (overage.of tricks) I am causing on average per hand..which thankfully is low at 1.07...lol
It show me I am very successful going "Nil" or in other words trying to take no tricks along with support from my partner. On that site a Nil is so hard since many partners do not know how to cover a Nil.
You will see screenshots for pinochle too. Had to do 2 screenshots to overlap to show you a couple things like the customizable avatar head we all can make plus the "Clear" button at he bottom letting the players clear their stats if you wanted them to be able to.. I don't think it should be so easy to just wipe clean your record. I think our players should have to earn back correcting their stats records and/or maybe pay a donation of some amount that purely goes toward your server maintenance and future R & D.
Let me know of any questions or concerns.
As you can see I'm M.O.B. wherever...lol
@Mike Ox Big thanks Mike, will definitely start working on those ideas for the stats. Appreciate the suggestions and examples.
After the last update, I am seeing much less errors overall but still getting about 10-20 crashes per day. Will keep chasing these error scenarios down and starting to work on more features for later this summer.
Hey, don't forget my errant losses that need to be removed please. At lease seven (7) now with that game ending glitch when I wrote you last.
There are other ideas and screen shots and upgrades I could send along if your offer still stands. For example: there is a game site where when you call out the trump suite then it becomes a nice sized symbol in the enter of the table on the felt. What's nice about that is it's quite easy for all to see and there is no mistaking what the trump was called out. RightNow we have the symbol next to the player who won the bid (which is good) but it is very small and hard to see on a phone app especially in daytime Sunlight.
The red text and red numbers are very very hard to read too. When looking at someone's win-loss record the loss amount is hard to distinguish in red. What about orange, cyan, or yellow? The color scheme of green being positive for wins and red being negative for losses makes a lot of sense but just hard to read. Maybe just lighten up the red or get a special font that has a white border around the red.
There is another game app that handles the bidding kind of as one representative for your team. The bidding involves one member each from both teams and I believe that they are the next two after the dealer. They keep bidding against each other till each player separately decides to pass. If they pass (which could have been right away) the bidding for that team goes to the other teammate. Then they bid till that other team satisfies their two players (but one after the other passes) and then the last one standing after all have passed wins the bid. This way it prevents what we have now of teammates bidding against each other. And it may sound long how I described it but it is rather quick and easy. It also prevents something that really bugs the heck out of me which is when my partner bids for no reason. I see players bidding just a bit and have absolutely no intention of trying to win the bid. I have dropped out of bidding to give my partner a chance to win the bid but as soon as I dropped they dropped right after me so the bidding that they did was fake and for no reason. That happening by the way is some of the numbers of my quit and abandoned number since that player aggravated me so many times during the game where we were losing only because I dropped the bid thinking that they were going to actually take over bidding but they drop right away. It's like it made no sense and I felt like I had a stroke or something.. LOL.
Now I have seen other sites where they have had this round robin pitting or each player can bid with each teammate bidding and that is how some players signal bid to their teammate if they have how many legs of a double pinochle. So in conclusion for this topic I have seen sites that have been configured for either way of round robin bidding or being satisfied protein with each player taking a turn after the first one bids up until they pass.
I'll send you some more screenshots and info later on. Please let me know if you can adjust those losses that I did not cause. Thanks
Wow, without grammar and spell check I better read these before I post them.. LOL. I use my microphone to auto voice type and geez does it come up with some odd stuff sometimes like what is shown above. I didn't say anything about protein.. LOL and it should have said center of table not enter.
@Mike Ox Big yes I have noticed that sometimes another person wins the bid but the cards go to a different player
My problem lately has been I am in the waiting room with 4 players in line so another player enters the waiting room and those 4 are taken and I’m left in the room waiting
Hello @Terber,
Unfortunately that may be because one of those first three sitting there waiting on a fourth player has blocked you in the past so the computer cannot match you four currently sitting players up for a game. Once that fifth player entered the staging area...and didn't have any blocks from those initial three... then the computer was free to match up those four instead...
Another possibility I saw, I think, when I first started playing on this site...or maybe it was a different one... is that the four players the computer was assessing (you plus those initial three) were so mismatched that it could not pair y'all to put a fair game together.
Being blocked by someone, if that's indeed what has happened in your case, is never fun and I have a few who have blocked me while I also have some on my blocked list. For some reason a player may have felt they didn't like the way you played or that you were too good to play against and challenge or some other reasoning. And although if this was the case then just wait on the next group and forget about it. We do need a "Blocked" feature for reasons to also create an environment where players can feel they can play if another player is purposely abusing the game atmosphere. I have blocked a player because they either think it funny or are exhibiting their disappointment at the luck of deL by constantly just sitting and letting the clock run down on every single turn of theirs
They sat on every turn till the clock counted down and went on with game just to be a pain in the butt for everyone so I blocked them from further playing with me. It was the second time I saw them do it BTW...
So as far as I know it is not a glitch but and definitely part of the matching process.
Sorry that happened Terber but you and I aren't the first or won't be the last on a valid needed feature.
IDK if this may be part of the issue with the glitch that has the dialog box coming up regarding the game all of a sudden ending but I just had an occurrence happen that only happened one time before shortly after I started playing on this game site. Obviously, I just had an incident where the game ended and I attached the screenshot. It occurred and approximately 6:40 p.m. CST. I windowed over on my smartphone to my messages as I am waiting on someone to message me. I windowed back over to the game that was in progress and almost immediately the game froze and we waited a long time until the dialog box came up of the variety shown in the attachment. Like I mentioned this did happen only once before when I first started playing here but I believe that was also really only other time that I ever windowed over to a different app. Maybe nothing but I figured I'd let you know.
Also, did you get a chance to read my explanation showing above to Terber? I think I covered it.
Thanks and thanks in advance for whenever those errand losses are going to be removed.. LOL
Yes? No? Maybe So?
@Mike Ox Big thank you for the explanation, that helps
@Mike Ox Big thank you