Thanks to a suggestion from @Mike-Ox-Big we will be testing new requirements for the expert level tables. About a month ago we updated statistics to include Winning Trend, which represents a player's winning percentage for the last 50 games played. In addition to minimum ratings, we will now require minimum trend to play at the expert tables. The goal is to make the expert tables more exclusive for more skilled players and create an incentive for people who are still learning to play to eventually work up their rating and trend to qualify for these tables. We will monitor stats for the next couple weeks and see how this goes.
It would be nice if everyone was required to read the scoring on double pinochle! So many hold meld they should be passing to their partner to give themselves points instead of allowing their partner to score a double pinochle.
@Annie-189 @Annie, you sound just like I don't know how many times I have written this up but I always address it to the players directly hoping the "@johndoe" feature of communicating via their registered email addresses works.
Please check out all my posts that I wrote in the Forum area I created call something like Communicating with players or
My usual player name is "MikeOxBig" but when I wrote this to you I currently had changed my name to "Pass Meld P" because of this issue and trying to tell them to send it!!!....LOL
I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by this! I’ve gone as far as passing everything back hoping they might get the hint!😂😂