I can't find my first post so I have to assume it's locked in some other area of this program. So I'll repost it : I don't know why you guys think it's cool to lead a non counter ie, jacks usually into the driver your first lead his or her way. You should be able to look at your hand and measure what you saw when the meld was down pretty much what aces the driver has. If you can't do that then this really isn't the game for you. Try a spades table. But if you can use your power of perception to glene what aces the driver has and more than likely might have. You should lead pointers into the driver.once again, if you have a king and a 10 in the suit you think the driver has aces in lead the king first that way if he only has one ace you will force the bidder off an ace. It's just like holding out on giving your partner a pointer for no good reason.there isn't one thing cool about leading jacks into the driver your first pass. Wtf? Stop it!! One other thing : Don't dump your aces of trump right off the bat. That gives the bidder control of the trump. And don't dump your other aces either. Look, if you're in the backseat you usually get second lead if you dump your aces the bidder will know what the driver is holding and clown his or her attempt to drive. Also and equally as important dumping your aces takes the power away from the driver to force the bidder off his tens. If you maintain your aces the driver can feed you three pointers k-t-a then the bidder won't be able to clown you with tens at the end of the hand. Now for the driver : it's the backseats job to get you in the lead so you can drive the destruction of the bidder. So don't dump your aces either. Use your power of perception to pump kings at the bidder when you know his aces are exhausted. That will pull the tens out of the bidders hand and feed your partner three pointers. I understand that every hand is different but this strategy works right most of the time. Thanks for your time and set some fool's
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Cutthroat App Issues
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January 30, 2024 1:46 am