OMG! I just type almost this whole thing out and towards the end something happened and I lost it all so this is the second time I'm writing this. It looks like some of you have read my last post. To that as a good job and well done. Now I want to brush back over some of the last advice and then geive some more. Okay, when you're the rider or backseat and you have a king and a 10 you should play your king into the driver first then play your 10 next that way if the driver only has one ace your 10 will pull an Ace from the bidder. Also when you're in the backseat you play your Queens first that way you can play Jack's into the driver when you get the bidder cutting. If the driver has been playing his jacks first he will have saved his Queens to play over the rider jacks and bitter will get no pointers in the cut. Now that brings me to another subject the most important one: in "options" I have the must beat last card active but for some reason that doesn't work. Let me explain why that is so important: one of the main things that separates pinochle from spades is the fact that you cannot Slough. If you can beat the last card played you must beat it you can't throw a Queen on a king if you have a 10 or Ace. You must beat that King with your 10 or Ace if you can. That gives you the power to force your opponent off the tops of his suits by playing tens at him. If you throw under and you don't have to you're raping the game the program should be set up to force you if you have that active in your options. That gives you the power that makes pinochle such a great game. The ability to force a hand is the power of the game. You might as well be playing spades if you're slughg tricks. One other thing I must say is : people that don't really understand the game will say it's not a partner game but that is BS. It is a partner game every single hand! The driver and the rider are or freaking should be partner's. Every hand of the game. It's the two of you against the poor sap that bid out his or her rear end. It's up to us to punish that fool! I realize I'm that foolish sap often but that's part of the games beauty. It can make you powerful and humble you all at the same time! I have a couple more issues that I'll air out at a later date but if we get this much straightened out the game will be much closer to how it should be. Trust me, I'm a pinochologist.
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January 29, 2024 7:09 am