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Pinochle 5.1.0 Update Released

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Just released a new update for Android, version 5.1.0. Apple update will be coming soon. Added several new features in this release:

1. Updated Stats to include win/loss/abandoned percentages and added a new field called Winning Trend, which tracks the percentage of games won over the most recent 50 games.
2. Added a new Messages inbox to start receiving notifications. So far there are only a few instances that generate notifications such as friend requests or password changes, but this message box is a prerequisite to more changes planned to improve Friends features and Inviting / Scheduling private games.
3. Made the Select Table screen dynamic so that table settings can be changes in real time. This will allow us to experiment with different expert table restrictions to find the right parameters.
4. Implemented code to improve the way timeouts are handled to reduce errors.

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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New stats features look good! We have one or two small issues though...

You have the "Abandoned Games" value being added in twice to your stats win/loss percentages.

For Example:
You know I have been checking my win percentage out ever since I joined the site. Also, I have asked several times for the Abandoned Games number be CORRECTLY adjusted to reflect "real" abandoned games by me and not ones that were caused by glitches. Along with that request I have always asked that the losses column be adjusted to reflect "real" losses incurred by me and me alone but not by way of glitches or server drops. Also, if I quit at my fault it already gives me a loss in the loss column while also giving a click in the abandoned column too. What we cannot have for correct stats percentages is that the losses for these types of games are being counted twice.

My true win percentage is actually 85.7% yet the site is currently showing 80%.

The way I have always figured it ... including before the creation of the "Abandoned Games" number and penalty system was instituted is as follows:
Partial set divided by whole set...
Or in other words...
My wins divided by my total games played.
Or in practical numbers as of 08/17/24 07:21PM CST: Wins 809 plus Losses 135 equals 944 Total.
809 wins divided by 944 totals games = 85.7%

The only way to get to the 80% shown for me is to add in another 69 games which is the abandoned games number being added twice yet those games already accounted for in total.

The way I can stand on my statements is that since I have been figuring my win percentage since the beginning of my site play here (and actually commented on at beginning of Abandoned Number feature's installation) I know it was always 86%+ but then started to get affected by the rash volume of glitch drops.

The other issue is that it is still really hard to see those numbers with the dark red and dark green against a black background. Instead of changing the number colors like I suggested before would it be easier to lighten up the background instead?

No matter what...
Good job and changes now on their way.

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Small calculation error...

The "Abandoned Games" is a value that is ultimately being added in twice.

You know that I have always monitored my wind percentage and I have noted that on this forum. I have done this since the beginning of playing on this site even before the installation of the abandoned games feature. My wind percentage has always been right at 86%. Recently it just below 86% because of the sheer volume of glitch drops also noted in this form. The abandoned games number incorrectly reflects losses both in that number and in the loss column too.

Here online the stats are showing me at an 80% win ratio which is incorrect since I have never dipped below 85 and a half percent. The error of the abandoned games number being added in to the total games value is what's causing the win percentage value to be incorrect.

Also, I can only see those values here online. When going to the game site all those values are showing zero no matter what I try to do. It is almost like my total record has been wiped out

Lastly, the numbers for these values and now eventual percentages are still hard to read against that black background with the dark red and the dark green. Would it be easier to lighten up the background instead of the numbers?

No matter what a good job and thank you for the new features.

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Sorry for the double messages to you regarding the calculation error but yesterday when I tried to send the message all I received were WordPress errors saying that the message and the programs were down. Also, last night my records were showing zero for when loss rank and abandoned. I went to Play store and try to update again and I don't know if that's what corrected things for me or if this was an issue for everyone but things look more normal now. The colors are still very dark and I actually have to use a little pen flashlight to view the dark red and green plus my glasses.

Please consider my explanation and catch on this calculation issue because I know that the abandoned numbers are being counted twice. Here is another example of what I mean: in the past I have admitted that I have quit games and in my opinion for some good reasons and when I have done that I have received a loss for that along with receiving an uptick in the abandoned number. I have mentioned that in previous messages as well when asking you to adjust the glitches for me but not when I have quit games that I had fully admitted to. With that said right there should show that the abandoned numbers are being counted twice in the total.

Again, sorry for the double messages but last night all it showed was WordPress had crashed.
Good to see these stats have been added and looking forward to more.

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Please review the two messages just previous to this one. One message just has test in the body and the other one has @Josh test in the body.

The one with just test did not crash WordPress. The one with the ampersand and your name did crash WordPress and I am attaching a screenshot of what is shown after hitting the add reply button.

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I don't think the abandoned is getting counted twice but it is being counted in the total. I suppose I could take it out and just show the percentage of completed games.

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Oh, and yes will make a note to take a look at the font colors for next update.

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Posts: 81

Hello Josh,
Yes that is what I meant but I worded it wrong. The numbers are actually games represented in the abandoned metric is also reflected in the total game count so when it was figured into the calculating of percentages that's what I meant by twice. I would have been more accurate to say those games were being counted twice within the calculation for the percentages.

Are these new player's stats only visible to that play when they go "online" to view their profile I wouldn't think many players even come over here let alone login to even know you did this fine work. I think most are oblivious to all your update and info blogs you post in the forum till we get more volume of dedicated players.

You have done a nice job on this...
What if you have it appear in the gamer area when you click on a player? As it is now we get to see their win/loss numbers so we are already part of the way there.

I do feel I have to be brutally honest with you as always and do point out the only slight risk of getting the stats to show when you click on a player in the waiting room or during a game. As I have been sympathetic to this following topic and have mentioned it a few times previously...we have many many many players with losing records (below 50%) and some severely. Since this may be currently a majority of the players within our current environment as the website changes & evolves in your opinion would these players:
A) Not care if people viewed their stats in you click on them?;Currently we can do it over here.
B);May get offended? Don't know what current feedback is regarding current ability to view over here.
C) Consciously or unconsciously see this as a motivational tool.

You could try it out in whole to see what the players think of it in whole... because, again, it's already over here. You could show parts of it like the "Trending" with a line statement maybe in orange or white text near the bottom stating something like;
"For A Complete View Of Stats - Go To Online Forum". That may do to things for you...
1) Drive more people to come over here and start to read, chat, know... create an environment over here as they come to investigate more statistics. Then you could always expand the amount of metrics being calculated...Maybe offer "Daily Tips" on how to play better but only when they log in over here. May offer selling something but nothing I don't think I like this one since I've worked hard at my record but you could offer they to buy a "one-time cleansing" of their negative record I think that would be a purely voluntary way of generating revenue since it would be their choice to do it or not.

I haven't checked on this additional feature you added lately but I like that you can befriend or block someone now when you can simply click on their avatar head. Before you could only do those two at the end of a game so if you forgot to or clicked play again before taking care of business regarding player relations then you had to wait wait wait...

Well, hope I gave a few good ideas.
Please don't forget to answer my questions too regarding no stats in the game area??
Bid To Win P
Pass Run P
and many others as I try to communicate

Mike Ox Big
(@Mike Ox Big)
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Posts: 81

Sorry, again I utilize auto voice type primarily since I only have a phone to access this site and the game site. I see many typos, bad Grammer, and incorrect words I did not ..but voiced something else. My apologies but you should be able to get my messages intent.


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